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Kara Blake, LCSW

Kara Blake is a Social Worker currently residing in Haverhill. She was born and raised on Cape Cod, and has lived and been educated in Boston and New York City. She holds a masters in social work and is licensed by the state of Massachusetts as a licensed certified social work. She is currently the program manager of the ONESTOP harm reduction center, a program of the North Shore Health Project in Gloucester. ONESTOP provides syringe access and disposal, other harm reduction tools, condom distribution, overdose prevention, and HIV, HepC, and STI testing, as well as counseling to help people who use drugs and/or engage in higher risk sexual activity reduce their risks and live with dignity. Though she is not doing traditional outpatient therapy at this time, she has done so in the past, working with people aged 3 through adulthood. She is a strong believer in neurodivergence, mental health liberation, and a person’s right to self define and self determine. She anchors her practice in a commitment, understanding, and participation in dismantling systems of power, privilege, and oppression.