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Amy WJ - Somatic Movement to Connect and Reset

Connect with your body and learn to release chronic tension in this Somatic Movement session. Somatics is a foundational movement practice that uses gentle yet powerful movements to raise awareness and let go of tension. This workshop will include discussion of how stresses-both physical and emotional–show up in posture, over time leading to stiffness, anxiety, and pain. The movements are primarily floor-based, but the session will include some explorations while standing and walking. You’ll leave this session feeling relaxed and grounded, and with tools to continue connecting, releasing tension, and feeling more freedom as you move through life.

Amy Wanner Jeansonne, MA, is a Registered Somatic Movement Educator who trained in the tradition of Hanna Somatics but is always learning more. She teaches and writes about somatics, body-mind education, and ecological connection as ways to connect with others and relieve chronic pain. You can find out more at