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DJ Kaykay47

“DJ Kaykay47 is an international People’s DJ & Community Organizer from The Bronx who boldly creates passion and joy through movement. Growing up, Kaykay saw music, especially Hip Hop, not only as a tool of resistance, but as a form of resilience for marginalized groups of people. In 2018 she made her first international appearance in Barcelona, continuing her musical journey at DJ showcases around the world, including her most recent tour in Colombia, all while facilitating workshops on the foundations of Hip-Hop in her community. In 2022, she founded “Girls DJ Too”, a program which provides access to DJ workshops for girls, women and Non-Binary folkx in The Bronx. As of 2023, Kaykay expanded her overseas recognition, becoming the U.S. Cultural Ambassador of Hip Hop to Ireland. With a Master’s Degree in Social Work, Kaykay integrates personal development with Hip Hop culture, utilizing DJing as an outlet for young people and adults to express themselves freely while creating a sense of community.”