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Holly Troy - I am Divine Love - a Playful Affirmation of the True Nature of Self

There is a saying – “How we perceive the world is how we receive the world.”

We have choice — we are not only shaped by our culture, we are also the builders of our culture.

In the book, Making the Gods Work for You, Caroline Casey says, “Visionary activism invites us to participate actively in shaping and creating our personal and collective reality by embarking on an adventure of joyful maximum self-cultivation”.

Small actions (can) lead to big shifts in our collective consciousness. Our unique life experiences, our stories, our self-expression, our creativity make ripples in our personal and communal evolution. We are all meant to be here and we are all creators — right here right now. As artists, (sometimes) we know this.

Sometimes we need to be reminded: Just by being alive we are not only worthy of love – we are love!

Every day we create our reality. What if we experiment and take a few moments in the day to see and feel our lives (and the world) through the lens of love? What if you are love? How would that affect your tiniest actions?

In this workshop we experiment with the energy of Divine Love through playful movement, mantra, imagination meditation, and relaxation.

In this workshop, we will:
• loosen our bodies with simple, powerful, somatic movement and sound;
• declare our right to live in joy;
• open up space in our nervous system to allow the flow of curiosity, connectedness, and playfulness;
• recognize, allow, and direct Love in ourselves, in others, and in the environment through mantra and visualization;
• relax and integrate our experience with yoga Nidra;
• have fun;
• shine on! Prepare to let go, release tension, get silly, perhaps laugh, and to see yourself and the world in a warm, loving light.

Dress comfortably (loose clothing is best), bring water, and a yoga mat or blanket

Holly Troy is an artist, writer, teacher and musician, whose work explores forms for “deep play.” Her passion is to create positive transformation through imagination, movement, pranayama, co-creation, and playful embodiment.

Holly envisions a world where people have the tools and resources to be their authentic selves as conscious creators contributing to a renaissance of human potential that uplifts all of humanity and every being on the planet.

Holly came of age as a musician on the Lower East Side, New York City in the 80s and 90s. She earned her yoga teaching certificate from Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center in 1996. She holds a degree in Creative Writing and Studio Art from Hunter College. Her painting has been the subject of solo shows in the USA and is held in private collections across the US, Europe and Australia. She is based in upstate New York.