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Jason Vance -- Musical Doctors - Finding the Pulse

ExplO+re Class: Musical Doctors – Finding the Pulse

Participants are encouraged to bring their own percussion noisemakers – hand drums, tambourines, shakers, etc.

The overview of this class is giving families, musical beginners, and specifically early childhood music learners (4-8yr-olds) the tools to become a Musical Doctor – How to find the Pulse of a song. In order to do that, we first need to know the ingredients that make up the pulse of common time in western music – the magic number 4! Using group games, storytelling, and a mixture of live and recorded music, participants are invited to bring their own drums and percussion instruments to participate in the games, jam along with songs, and ultimately create our own original song together on the theme of “Somewhere” – that magical place of bliss we all imagine in our own way.