- Wellness
- Kingston NY
- 2016
Yin yoga and/or vinyasa yoga or yinyasa
Yin yoga – supine or seated held poses for 2 mins or more Vinyasa yoga – movement of one yoga pose to another that is connected with breath Yinyasa – combines yin yoga with vinyasa yoga
My name is Julie Colton and am an empath and an intuitive who uses yoga as a vehicle for transformation on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes. I practice yoga to experience a mind-body connection which allows me to develop a personal relationship with self and teach yoga in service to promoting health and interpersonal connection. Being a musician and Reiki Master, keeps me in rhythm with the daily and constantly changing ebb and flow of life; this helps me to help others on an energetic level. I have BA degrees in cellular biology, mathematics and music performance which gives me a different perspective when teaching yoga, a perspective through a knowledge of science from the West as well as the mystical practice of yoga from the East. I believe in the ‘science’ and healing properties of yoga that provides therapy for those who practice it. I received my 200 hour teacher training license at Ashtanga of New Paltz under Michael Stein, whose main focus was on anatomy and alignment. Then I continued my studies to receive my 500 hour teacher training certificate at Laughing Lotus NYC under Dana Trixie Flynn who brought creativity and play into the sequencing of asanas. Studying at The Laughing Lotus helped me to “think outside the box” in terms of coming up with sequences that allow for a natural movement of the body. I’m thankful to have studies with the many teachers who have guided me and taught me. I am also grateful to the directors who took me under their wing and let me teach at their studios. One result is I have been fortunate to have over 1500 hours of teaching experience and have met many wonderful people. This next journey of teaching at Rock Yoga Alliance gives me the opportunity to align with my soul’s purpose which is to be of service to people of varying backgrounds. I am grateful to teach at Rock Alliance because I can continue on my spiritual and humanistic path by being of service and connecting with the people who go there. When I’m not teaching yoga in the Hudson Valley, I continue my studies in yoga and movement based studies that develop a healthy way of life. I also study astrology, play the piano, and compose music. Most importantly, I spend time with my daughter Allison.
Younity Yoga