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Katy Kondrat - Empowered Parenting Workshop

Are you tired of the relentless noise of daily battles over screen time, sibling conflicts, or the silent treatment from your teenager pushing you to the brink? This workshop is your lifeline if you’re longing to foster deeper connections, mutual respect, and trust with your children. Join me for an engaging and practical workshop where you’ll learn four transformative shifts that will revolutionize your approach to parenting. In this interactive session you’ll practice tools to build resilient parent-child relationships, dissolve power struggles, and emerge as the confident leader your family needs.
Whether you have toddlers, elementary-age kids or teens, this workshop is designed to empower parents at every stage of the journey, providing clarity and support amidst the noise of parenting.

I became a parenting coach because I want to help parents and caregivers transform their relationships with their kids – and with themselves.
As a parent of a child entering their teen years, I intimately know how beautiful, hard, emotional, inspiring, exhausting (and every other adjective!) parenting can be. It’s truly the hardest and most important job we have.
My approach as a coach is parent-centered, which means I work with parents to build strength, self-trust, connection and compassion (for themselves and their kids) so they’re able to lead their family with love and intention.
I coach parents and caregivers at all stages of parenthood who are ready to move beyond temporary fixes and parenting hacks to transform their relationship with their children and themselves. I guide my clients to break the generational patterns that are not serving them, and have a more connected and collaborative relationship with their children.
I’m committed to working with folks who are on the path of unlearning the deeply engrained teachings of white settler colonialism, patriarchy and late-stage capitalism that show up in our parenting.