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Short: The recipe for Medukha involves fermenting the antics of a rock band in a pitcher of third culture confusion. Add Polish and Ukrainian folk melodies to taste. The resulting solution should be rich in Eastern European post-folk psych-rock chaos.

Long: The recipe for Medukha involves fermenting the antics of a rock band in a pitcher of third culture confusion. Add Polish and Ukrainian folk melodies to taste. Medukha uses ethnographic recordings, tokens of our homelands, the languages we’ve grown up with, and the folk music conventions we’ve been exposed to as an emotive vehicle for interrogating the immigrant experience: a wedding song from Southeastern Poland with patriarchal undertones becomes a curbside conversation with a bird, a Ukrainian spring song is fractured into an unrecognizable ambient soundscape, a song with disputed origins becomes fertile ground for a new language.

“Medukha’s music resolves the following contradictions without effort: grief and playfulness, historical depth and currency, professionalism and vulnerability, bedroom lo-fi and Eastern European folk. To anyone with Eastern European heritage who is alive in today’s culturally ambiguous globalized world, this music is especially healing.”
– Matt Genkin of the band You Want Milk