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Nagual James Gehrlein

The Nagual James Gehrlein B.S. was apprenticed from a young age to The Pendragon of the Druidic Order of London, a family friend, but also experienced being the scapegoat child of an alcoholic family dynamic in his family of origin. The Nagual experienced the “Descent of the Spirit” in 2003 while staying at Kinpu-An Zen Center in Albany New York and subsequently contracted “The Shamanic Initiatory Sickness”. Thought to be having a nervous breakdown, James was mentored thereafter by a Toltec Nagual of Mexico, a Condolence Man of the Mohawk, a Buddhist Monk, and a Faithkeeper of the Onondaga… From these mentors, he learned to swim the deep sea of the unconscious. Having been given a gift for recognizing Doshas, The Nagual began studies with Kerala Ayurvedic Institute near San Jose, C.A. and continues to do so. He is planning Pilgrimage Eco-Tours from Upstate New York to Teotihuacan, Mexico. James currently lives in Kingston, New York and plays the Hoop Drum, bass, and guitar. He regularly teaches on the benefits of Plant Based Wellness.