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Shomari Gallagher

Shomari is a New York State licensed Holistic Psychotherapist with 15 years experience working with adults and children in NYC. Shomari’s approach is person-centered, relational and trauma-informed. Shomari is also a Level II certified Reiki Practitioner, Somatic Healing Coach and Tarot aficionado. Shomari believes that her work is about helping people tune into their own innate wisdom and healing abilities to promote the self-love and esteem needed to experience lasting change. Shomari is a big fan of Jungian theory and the writing of James Baldwin, Rumi, Octavia Butler and Bell Hooks and refers to them and others in her work with clients.

A native of Western Massachusetts, Shomari feels very welcome in her new home in the Hudson Valley, where she lives with her two children and occasional foster animals.