This mural by jetsonorama is the first large scale public mural on The Ulster County Midtown Linear Park and marks the return of the artist’s work to Kingston. It features portraits of three celebrated contemporary African American poets – Mahogany L. Browne, Jennifer Falú, and t’ai freedom ford – each raising their voices in the legacy of Sojourner Truth. Mahogany L. Browne holds up a cell phone featuring a brief biography of Truth as well as a carte-de-visite portrait that the abolitionist and women’s rights leader used to support her livelihood. Upon one of these historic photographs, Truth famously wrote “I sell the shadow to support the substance.” We see that phrase repeated on the opposite end of the mural within the title of ford’s poem, which is dedicated to both Truth and conceptual artist Glenn Ligon, and see the power and resilience of Truth reflected, through the generations, in Falú‘s poem to her mother. Across three panels, the viewer is presented with an excerpt of a larger work by each poet while being confronted with the power, vision, and vulnerability of both the countenance and words of the writers standing in their truth and humanity at (literally) 20 feet tall.