O+ Presents

O+ Presents

O+ partners with businesses and other organizations throughout the region to connect O+ alumni artists with opportunities to perform.

Interested in partnering with the O+ music team to bring the region’s best musicians to your venue?
Let’s talk! Email lara@opositivefestival.org, laura@opositivefestival.org

Recent + Recurring events include:

Annual Kingston Pride Celebration
HuttO+n Hangouts at The Edgewood
Summer SessiO+ns
BlO+ck Party Events throughout the Hudson Valley
8O+s Night dance party series
Season O+pener Concerts
Benefit CO+ncerts
Workshops and Events in our Exchange Space

Venues and Businesses We Are PrO+ud To Partner With To Present Live Music

Keegan Ales
Unicorn Bar
Old Dutch Church
Utility Bikes
Rough Draft
Hutton Brickyards
Camp Kingston
The Maiden
Del’s Roadside
Ulster County Italian American Foundation