MEDITATION on “Their Survival is Our Survival” by Shawn Harrison
MURAL “Their Survival is Our Survival” by Jana Liptak
Brooklyn-based artist Jana Liptak utilized paint to evoke cross-stitch to stunning effect in her mural on the Twaalfskill firehouse. The artist depicted endangered species that live (or lived) in New York. Look for the Karner Blue butterfly, Piping Plover, Tiger Salamander, Regal Fritillary, Houghton’s Goldenrod, Eastern Mud Turtle, Swamp Pink, Snubnose Sturgeon, Prairie Fringed Orchid, Rusty Patched Bumblebee, American Burying Beetle and North Atlantic Right Whale.
- 3 Dunn Street, Kingston, New York 12401, USA
Jana Liptak
Born and raised in Tucson, Arizona, Jana moved to Brooklyn in 2009 after bouncing around Washington State, Scotland, and Southern India for several years. She’s always made art, and always been deeply influenced by the natural world. Her paintings and sculptures celebrate nature, love, and interconnectivity.

Shawn Harrison
Shawn teaches yoga and meditation throughout the Hudson Valley. She created Mudita Yoga Lab in Kingston, NY 10 years ago. Shawn is interested in self-awareness rather self-improvement. She brings this spacious attitude to all her classes, offering an opportunity for exploration and discovery through the practice of yoga and meditation. Her classes focus on breath, mindfulness and loving-kindness.