- Music
- Kingston NY
- 2016
Errorarias (Adam Zaretsky and Kira deCoudres) play out on the Errorarium improvising analog signal processed remash and live sources to create a concert for humans, posthumans, transhumans and non-humans. Public invited to entertain live flies and plants. The Errorarium is an audio-photonic enrichment terrarium meant to house organisms and subject them to tests for photosynthetic and sonic engagement. The light and sound synthesizer has many dials that alter the environment of the growing organisms resulting in FIST.SAVE.MOP.BAIT or Forced Interspecies Transgenic Solar Animal Vegetable Environmental Microinjection Organismic Personality Behavioral Audio Integrity Test. Kira deCoudres, psychoacoustics, cybernetic technologies, and sensory manipulation remix artist https://soundcloud.com/morenonsense Adam Zaretsky, analog synth bioartist http://ja-natuurlijk.com/site2/adam-zaretsky/ Errorarium Architecture and Fabrication: Mason Juday http://masonyte.com/ Errorarium Experimental Light Synthesizer Engineer: Pete Edwards of Casper Electronics http://casperelectronics.com/