Wellness TO+ol No. 1
Reflect for a minute that the microscopic activities inside our individual cells are what keep our whole bodies alive moment to moment.
The significance of these small movements is great. And so also is taking a short time to allow any and all body movement. Giving your body some time to move – without a plan or instruction and differently than your usual movements – can give it permission to unwind and reset. Small or large, automatic or unplanned movement is the language of your body since you were an infant. Giving a few minutes for the body to speak on its own can make shifts that the mind can’t plan for.
Join Anneliese Mordhorst for
Being (somew)Here – Authentic Movement & Writing
Saturday, October 8, 9:45-10:45am
Good Work Institute
This class will take two common actions: movement and writing, and place them in a new setting outside of everyday life. The participants make agreements and honor guidelines to create an environment of physical and emotional safety, and to nurture true expression and discoveries. The sacred space created by all participants is a field of honesty, honoring the truth of each person and eliminating concepts of right and wrong. We also drop expectations, allowing layers of self to enliven, emerge, express.