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Deb Seche

Class Description:
The class provides a nice opportunity to become familiar with the Vinyasa style of yoga combining breath work, gentle stretching moving into an active flow to give you a well rounded yoga practice.

Yoga has been my passion for many years and it’s been a dream of mine to share that with others. Yoga joins together movement, breath and the joy of being present into a beautiful dance.

One element I was drawn to is the non competitive nature of the practice and the spiritual lifestyle it offers. I believe in honoring how your body feels each time you come to the mat by finding balance and most importantly, having fun while simultaneously increasing strength and flexibility. I hope you will leave the class feeling that wonderful balance of peacefulness and energy. Yoga is a forever humbling practice.

The Yoga House
Uptown Studio at 57 Crown St. and Midtown Studio at 474 Broadway, Kingston NY
(845) 706-9642