- Wellness
- Kingston NY, North Adams MA
- 2019
Dr. O will present 3 short acts, over one hour, on medically important CROSSROAD (theme = X) MOMENTS that have led us to the mess we call U.S. healthcare and policy. Special attention will go to “edu-taining” healthcare consumers on the specific places we each need to take more personal responsibility, navigating with grace and humor, our journey to wellness in a corrupted system, where health is a commodity in a business model of delivering services.
Doctor O is a 62 year old Black woman with 22 years of life experience as an active family practitioner. In 2007, she “went feral”, reclaiming her rights as an artist– healing– and leaving the conventional medical model. Now, she is ROGUE, and uses voice, song, written word, dance and theater in her evolving role as intinerant community activist, healing artist, and “edu-tainer”.
ceremony heals