Teach Healing Arts Class During O+ Festival in Kingston

Are you a teacherinstructor or practitioner of the healing arts whose offering is best shared in a classroom setting? Do you teach yogadanceQiGongsound healing or another practice that can be shared in a group? We’d love to hear from you!

Each year, we gather some of the most enthusiastic teachers in the area who donate one class to our EXPLO+RE series during the O+ Festival weekend (Oct. 7-9), which is open to all Festival attendees and participants. It is a great opportunity to introduce class offerings to a community-minded audience that is committed to art, music and wellness.

Teachers should apply here by July 22. Please note that space is limited, so we may not be able to accept everyone’s offering. We will do our best to curate a variety of classes and will give deference to those who are first to let us know of their interest

Teacher HariPrakaash led a yoga class during the 2015 O+ Festival in Kingston. Photo by Project E.J. Photography.
Teacher HariPrakaash led a gong sound healing class during the 2015 O+ Festival in Kingston. Photo by Projectej.com Photography.

O+ Works to Connect Local Kids With Public Art

O+ mural tour with children from George Washington Elementary School

O+ Festival artist Kimberly Kae led a mural tour with some kindergarten-age public art enthusiasts from George Washington Elementary School and their teacher Erin Luby. The mural was made in 2014 by Jack Dishel and Vor 138. The inaugural tour is part of a larger O+ initiative to connect children with the public art in the community.

O+ Haverhill

Save the dates of May 5-7, 2017: O+ Festival is launching its fourth festival of art, music and wellness in Haverhill, MA, north of Boston. If you are interested in volunteering with the inaugural team or finding out more, visit here.

Haverhill fundraiser52


New for 2016: O+ is coming to the Bronx, August 13th! Neighbors will participate in health screenings and a wellness EXPO+ while experiencing the beauty of art, music and dance. 

Our curatorial teams have partnered with NYC Department of Transportation, Union Community Health Center, Bronx Community Health Network and the Fordham Road Business Improvement District for an innovative day of health and wellness celebrating National Health Center Week.


Submissions Open Now for O+ Petaluma November 4-5

We invite artists (i.e. visual, performing, filmmakers, dancers, puppeteers, etc.), musicians, and volunteers (clinic and non-clinic volunteers) to apply for the third O+ Festival in Petaluma CA. The curatorial teams for the November 4-5 celebration of art, music and wellness will accept submissions until August 15th. Early submissions are encouraged. Submit here.

Peace on Earth Film Festival & O+ Festival: Chicago

This year, O+ Festival: Chicago has added ScO+pe (cinema, live performances, and perspectives about art and wellness).  In partnership with Peace on Earth Film Festival, O+ Festival: Chicago will be screening films from around the country.

The Peace On Earth Film Festival raises awareness of peace, nonviolence, social justice and an eco-balanced world. The Peace on Earth Film Festival (POEFF), the primary project of Transcendence Global Media, NFP, is a not-for-profit festival established to celebrate and encourage the work of independent filmmakers from around the globe on the themes of peace, nonviolence, social justice and an eco-balanced world. POEFF invites filmmakers’ challenging perspectives on issues such as human rights, neighborhood violence, food deserts, domestic violence, bullying, war, world politics, environment, economics and more, while presenting alternatives of peace from all cultural perspectives. Through the power of motion pictures, POEFF endeavors to enlighten and empower individuals, families and communities to step out of the ignorance of conflict, violence and divisiveness into the light of communication, compassion and understanding.

Resurrection Basketball League

Resurrection Basketball League
A Restorative Justice Basketball Block Party Bridging Communities

In conjunction with O+ Festival: Chicago, it is our honor to support the Resurrection Basketball League (RBL). Basketball, music, an on-site doctor for sports injuries, and more will be provided. Sponsors have made it possible for the RBL to be a summer series of basketball, safety initiatives, and civic engagement.

Conjuntamente con O + Festival: Chicago, es un honor para apoyar la Liga de Baloncesto de la Resurrección (RBL). Baloncesto, la música, un médico en el lugar para las lesiones deportivas, y mucho más será proporcionado. Los patrocinadores han hecho posible que la RBL para ser una serie de verano de baloncesto, las iniciativas de seguridad, y la participación de cívico.

Resurrection Basketball League

Chicago RadiO+ correspondent

Ashley Tribble is native to the midwest- She was born and raised in Cincinnati, OH, home of the Reds, Bengals and Graeter’s Ice Cream. She graduated from academically nationally ranked Walnut Hills High School, and immediately following, was the first person in her family to attend college.

Ashley attended THE Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business, where she obtained a BSBA concentrating on marketing and logistics. Upon completing her Bachelor’s degree, Ashley lived in Zanzibar, Tanzania, before making her transition to the workforce, where she taught English and Public Health as a volunteer aid. In 2011, Tribble moved to Chicago and started her career in the booming logistics industry. And, while her logistics 9 to 5 pays her bills, and makes her look very smart to all of her artist friends, Ashley’s real passion (and skills, to tell the truth) is in hosting!

Ashley began hosting Bar Trivia in 2014 for Chicago’s Whaddyaknow Team Trivia agency, and has since developed a loyal fan base at her weekly sets, where she doubles as the set DJ. Tribble has said that Trivia was the spark that reignited her passion for performance. The overwhelming and positive reaction that she gets from participants have supplied her with a newfound confidence in doing what she does best- talk. Recently, Ashley created a podcast called P Power Radio which she hosts, and produces on a weekly bases. The podcast highlights millenial women from around the country who share their stories with Ashley, while she narrates a history lesson for listeners to be enlightened by.

In addition to moving freight and hosting events, and producing and hosting her podcast, Ashley also serves as a Boys & Girls Club Volunteer, where she runs a program for middle and high school aged girls at the James R Jordan branch, and is a volunteer mentor with community organization Chicago Youth Opportunities Initiative.

Meet CHICAGO+ Team Member: Osiris Khepera

Osiris-KheperaOsiris Khepera
will serve as Theater in Action Instructor for Friday’s YO+UTH programming during the July 8-10 O+ Festival in Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood.

Young people are invited to share who they are creatively and holistically as they participate in eight hours of eight expressive and introspective forms — including Theater in Action & Poetry with Khepera at 10 a.m. — at the Xochiquetzal Peace Garden,1901-03 West 23rd St.

Khepera is a self-described “Renaissance Artist. Actor. Poet. Playwright. Singer. SGI Buddhist: Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Cooker of Things. Abstract Painter with no Canvas. Creator of Hullabaloo. Hater of Sycophants. Practioner of Healing Magic. Gender Fluid Queer Freedom Fighter. Fairy Godfather. Speaker of Truths. Lover of Acts of Nobility. Encourager of Courageous Freedom. Leo. Lives in / Works from the Heart Chakra. Seeker of Knowledge. Generally Chill Individual.”

Recent works include: R.E.A.C.H, Second City; The American Revolution, Theater Unspeakable and Lincoln Center; The Fag­-tionary, MPAACT; The Tennesee Williams Project, the Hypocrites; Harry & The Thief, Pavement Group; Rutherford’s Travels, Pegasus Players; A Few Good Men, Peninsula Players; This Great Nation, Much Enduring, Chicago Slamworks; and Bars and Measures, Prop Thtr.


O+ Festival in Chicago Partners With Working Bikes

The second O+ Festival in Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood will feature two bike rides in partnership with Working Bikes during the July 8-10 weekend of art, music and wellness.

Working Bikes rescues discarded bicycles and gives them new life by redistributing them as tools of empowerment in local and global communities.

The first bike ride is a family-focused bike tour on Saturday, July 9 from 10 a.m-noon. The second is an adult bike ride and upcycling tour on Sunday, July 10 from 9-11 a.m. Both tours will highlight O+ community partners in Pilsen, engaging the cyclists in art, ecology, wellness and activism.


(Photo of O+ Chicago Director Viggy Alexandersson and Nikki Patino of Working Bikes.)