
Launched in 2010 in Kingston, NY by a small group of artist-activists, doctors, and a dentist, O+ Festivals are weekend long events that bring muralists, musicians and performers, art shows, and movement workshops into a community. In exchange, these artists receive a variety of health services donated by doctors, dentists and complementary care providers at the O+ Wellness Clinic. Entering its 13th year, O+ has developed to include year round programming, such as mural tours, education, and public health forums with intention to have more of a year round presence in the years to come. O+ builds resilient communities that emphasize the equally important roles of art, music, and wellness. Our values are radical, compassionate, creative and we aim to center these values in all we do.

O+ relies on the time, talent and commitment of people in our community to move our mission forward.
Please consider volunteering with O+.