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Teresa Mary Boyle - Soul Healing/Alignment

My MISSION is to help you become true to your self and live your intended purpose on this planet. I do this by removing all blockages in the body whether it be emotional, physical or spiritual with the use of my hands and also the use of my psychic, intuitive, medium and channeling abilities. I am an emotional, physical and spiritual empath and can ‘double’ a person to gather what needs to be worked on internally. My specialty is being outdoors with the use of nature using air, water, trees and rocks to bring a person back to their intended state. I may use crystals and sound and tuning forks to aid me in this process. I further gather knowledge to assist you from angelic beings, higher guides, and ascended masters and my dream state. I am a spiritual coach and teacher. I have Reiki USUI level 2 training. Each person is their own unique approach as each person is different.