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Amy Purdy and Kingston High School Art Honors Society - TASK Party: Interactive Creative Fun

Join the Kingston High School National Art Honors Society for an Oliver Herring inspired, TASK party. TASK sets stage for participants to immerse themselves in child-like fun and unrestrained creative freedom in connection with others, and with their environment—completely equipped with dance music and party decor. It is an opportunity for personal expression, combatting inhibition, and healing community through positive engagement with others via creative tasks.

TASK parties are improvisational events which rely on the creative input of those that participate. They are made up of simple ingredients: a designated area (usually covered in paper), a variety of props and materials (cardboard, plastic bags, markers, cling wrap, aluminum foil, tape, empty containers, etc.), and the participation of people who agree to follow two basic procedural rules—1.) to pull a creative task from a designated “task pool” and interpret it in any way they want, using whatever is available, 2.) to write down a new task on a piece of paper and add it to the task pool. When a task is completed, the participant writes a new task, pulls a new task, and so on.

“In theory anything becomes possible. The continuous conception and interpretation of tasks is both chaotic and purpose driven. It is a complex, ever shifting environment of people who connect with one another through what is around them. It is also a platform for people to express and test their own ideas in an environment without failure and success (TASK always is what it is) or any other preconceptions of what can or should be done with an idea or a material. People’s tasks become absorbed into other people’s tasks, objects generated from one task are recycled into someone else’s task without issues of ownership or permanence.”

Join at any time and stay as long as you’d like!

The National Art Honors Society recognizes the importance of our
creative student leaders and how their work magnifies the innovation, skills, scholarship, and connection that your art program brings to your school and community.