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Pedro Astrologer/Tarot counselor


Pete Crotty is a licensed Creative Art Therapist specializing in music (25yrs), tarot reader(30 years), astrologer (22 years), author and certified reiki healer. After years of studying with various practitioners, studying everyone’s astrological chart around him, and being a licensed therapist working with many populations, Pete has created his own style that has been helpful, healing and inspiring to the people he has worked with. “With my knowledge of astrology, tarot, my intuitive gifts, and history of being a licensed music therapist, I’m able to understand the querent and offer them some helpful tools to put in their toolbox so they can help guide and empower themselves to make the best out of their life.”

Pete does tarot in person and on zoom. Pete has done festivals, group events and regularly volunteers with The Stone Ridge Holistic Community and at The People’s Place in Kingston doing Astro/Tarot work.


Explores your personality, habits, traits through astrology and tarot Discusses the pros and cons of your chart and how you can improve your life

Shows through astrology and tarot what themes in your life might best be focused on in the next year.