- Art, Word
- Kingston NY
- 2019, 2023, 2024
Using Fluorescent pink surveyor spray paint, Carolita will spray paint “X” on multiple spots in Kingston, and provide a pamphlet guide (also hot pink) to find and experience them. The X in each heart marks the spot to stop at and look at the pamphlet and the arrow points to the building for sale. There will be a description of the emotion or memory the building or storefront is the site of. They will all be markers of spots of significance to Carolita’s life in Kingston, which is rapidly becoming gentrified, and losing its grounding in its base of residents to real estate developers who care nothing about our town, and are only interested in their purchases as financial investments. This is a cry of “this is my town, my life.” It will eventually fade away, as will we.
Carolita Johnson is a Kingston artist, a New Yorker cartoonist, a writer, a feminist, and a human..